Local artist display environmental themed art at airport
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Local artist display environmental themed art at airport

Jul 12, 2023

News News | Aug 27, 2023

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TRUCKEE, Calif. – Local artist, Hope Sabrina Huber is displaying her art at the Truckee Tahoe Airport as part of a last show before she jetsets to Italy for extended education.

Huber grew up in the Auburn area, always loving art. She decided early on that it was something she wanted to take seriously and began in high school to take as many art classes as possible.

She got her undergraduate degree in Environmental Science with a minor in art at Saint Mary’s College of California.

“That was a very educational time, and I got inspired by a lot of areas of study, especially contemporary art and thinking outside of the box and making social statements and using your art to speak about issues or speak about whatever it is that’s important to you,” Huber said.

After school, she moved to the Truckee area and has continued applying the lessons she learned in school into her art.

Inspiration for the show that’s displayed at the airport was drawn from the local environment.

“My intention is to speak on some social and environmental issues around conservation and climate and even LGBTQ issues because they’re all linked for me,” said Huber.

Huber added she wants to use her artwork as a medium to spark conversation around these issues that are so important to her life.

The themes in this show celebrate biodiversity in the natural environment and about important and endangered species in California. She has pieces about the California Condor, which she said is a good story about people coming together to save a species. She also has pieces centered on melting glaciers, California Quail which is California’s state bird and even a local focused piece on Martis Peak.

“I think environmentalism can feel very feminine and like women’s work, I think women put so much of themselves into environmental protection so there is one piece that to me is just really feminine and a state of lucidity and channeling womanhood,” Huber said.

The majority of the pieces are acrylic. Huber said she tries to use as much recycled acrylic as she can find.

The show will be running through October 16 as part of the “Art in the Airport” display in the main terminal of the airport.

“It just makes me very happy to be able to share it,” Huber said.

Huber will be moving to Italy this fall for a master’s program at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo. To learn more about Huber, visit https://www.hopesabrina.com/home.

Aug 27, 2023

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