Cheat Sheet: How Smart Chefs Use Spices to Make Summer Recipes Even Better
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Cheat Sheet: How Smart Chefs Use Spices to Make Summer Recipes Even Better

Jun 16, 2024

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RIGHT IN the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City lies the centuries-old Suq El-Attarine, or spice merchants’ market. Whether you head there by descending the stairs past Damascus Gate or navigating the labyrinth of stone-lined alleyways from the Holy Sepulchre, the aroma of this narrow marketplace is inescapable. Through domes punctuated with apertures for light and ventilation, the sun often dances upon the vivid goods on display. At first glance, the spice heaps shimmer like a collection of precious gemstones, an analogy that isn’t far from historical reality. Once, spices were indeed worth more than gold.

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